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Friday, May 31, 2013

Reading Levels

Our reading levels are in and will be reported to your child's second grade teacher.  Ask your child what level they are on.  Raz Kids will be updated with reading levels that your child was tested into by mid-week!

First grade end of the year expectations: Level I, J, K

What if my child did not reach these levels?  Think about where your child started in the beginning of the school year.  If your child began at Level C or lower, they were performing at a kindergarten level.  In first grade, there is a big jump from Level D to I (that's 5 levels).  Please make sure you are reading with your child every night and that your child is reading independently as well. 

Staying Healthy

This week and next, we will be discussing different ways to stay healthy.  Ask your child how they can stay healthy!

Who's Mrs. Rappaport?

Ms. Platt got married!  Her new name is Mrs. Rappaport

At Oheka Castle
More updates to follow on our classroom and planning for end of the year review!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Word Problem of the Day

1. Eduardo has 10 pennies.  He has to share them with Yoselin.  How many pennies does Eduardo have now?

P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P

2. Brian borrowed 8 pennies from Gianella.  How many pennies did Gianella have before she shared them?

P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P

Happy Mother's Day!

To all our wonderful Mom's!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Word Problem of the Day

The eraser costs 75 cents.

The pencil sharpener costs 50 cents.

Gabriel and Sally have 55 cents.  How much more money do they need to get the eraser and pencil sharpener.

What's Happening in Our Classroom This Week?

This week, Wednesday-Friday, the NYSESLAT test will take place for some students in our class.

We will also be spending a lot of time discussing Mother's Day and preparing for this day.

Happy Mother's Day!

We will be beginning a new unit in Reader's Workshop (Dramatizing Characters) and Writer's Workshop (Realistic Ficiton), and finishing up our current unit in Math Workshop.  Be prepared for a test the week of May 13th.

I can't believe we only have 37 days left until we are second graders!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Scholastic Book Club Order

The Scholastic Book order was placed today.  Your child's books will arrive in 7-10 days. 

Cinco de Mayo

This week we have been learning all about Cinco de Mayo.  We had so much fun celebrating with maracas and sombreros today!