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Thursday, February 21, 2013

The 100th Day!

We can't believe it!  We've made it to the 100th day of school!  We can't wait to open up our museum tomorrow to showcase our 100s collections.

The 100th day has come!  
Come and join the fun.

The 100th day has come
Hooray!  Hooray!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Even More Sight Words

More Sight Words


President's Day

Reminder: there is no school on Monday and Tuesday in observance of President's Day.  This week we will be learning more about two very important Presidents.

Learn about George Washington

Visit Arthur to learn about Presidents from the past.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sight Words

See it, Say it, In a Snap*

Friday, February 8, 2013

Special Person's Day

In honor of  
Valentine's day,  
we will be celebrating on Thursday, February 14th, with a fun discovery day!

A class list will be sent home in case you plan to send in Valentine cards for the class.  Please make sure that if you are sending in cards, that you bring in enough for all 31 students.

Molly Lou Melon

We've read many books this month and focused in on characters and how their feelings change over time.
Recently we read a story with the character Molly Lou Melon.  Check out another story with the same main character entitled Have Fun, Molly Lou Melon at We Give Books.

Revisit the story we read in class too!

Dental Health Month

This week we learned all about keeping our teeth healthy.

What's good for our teeth?
Water, milk, vegetables, brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouth wash!

Check out Storyline Online to hear a video aloud entitled "The Tooth"

Chinese New Year

Gung Hay Fat Choy!  Happy New Year!

It's the year of the snake!

Follow along to "Red is a Dragon" at Tumblebooks

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Book Reviews

During writer's workshop, we have been writing reviews on many things; like restaurants, movies, television shows, toys, and even books!

Check out this link to see millions of reviews by kids in the first grade at Spaghetti Book Club

Dental Health Month

February is Dental Health Month!

Brush, brush, brush your teeth
Brush them twice a day,
Up, down, all around,
So germs will go away!

Groundhog's Day

February 2nd 2013 was Groundhog's day!  After a week long discussion, we made our predictions... and the popular Punxsutaney Phil groundhog was not scared off by a shadow -- an early spring, we hope it will be!

Below is the video we watched in class.  There's a lot we can learn from video clips.  What facts did you learn?