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Thursday, December 3, 2015

What Is ENL?

What is ENL (ESL)?

  ENL is an acronym standing for English as a New Language.

  ENL instruction occurs IN ENGLISH using language acquisition methodologies such as numerous hands-on activities, pictures, songs, poems, body movements and gestures, and realia to teach English vocabulary.

  English vocabulary can be taught through thematic units which are content based.  Instruction can occur in the mainstream classroom and/or in a stand-alone ENL classroom.

ENL Teacher

I am thrilled to announce I have accepted a position as an ENL Teacher!  Please stay tuned for some resources for the 2016 school year!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Thank you to those who attended Family Night last week.  We were happy to meet with you, and discuss with you ways to help your child over the summer.
Here are some of the links that were mentioned:

http://home.comcast.net/~ngiansante/index.html  - To search for Just Right books (This site tells you the titles of books for a certain level)

https://www.raz-kids.com/main/Login- Raz-Kids. Login: jplattk

http://www.starfall.com/- Starfall- # 1 & 2 for Readers up to level E, 3 & 4 for F and above

http://freebies.about.com/od/familyfreestuff/tp/summer-reading.htm FREE SUMMER READING AWARDS

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Math Unit 9:
In this unit, we will be learning about measurement! We will also be learning how to tell time to the nearest hour and half hour. Please practice at home!
We Are All Scientists!

This unit for writing, we will be writing as scientists! We will be conducting experiments using the Scientific Method! Class 1-212 is very excited to explore the different properties of matter- solids, liquids, and gases. So far, we have watched what happens as water is poured into different sized containers, and what happens when food coloring is added to it. We saw water turn a DARK BLUE! We are going to be writing about all of our experiments in our special scientist booklets. Soon, we will see what happens when skittles are dropped into water, and lots of other cool experiments. Feel free to experiment at home too!

Here is a link for some experiments you might want to try at home:

Sunday, February 1, 2015